Why your healing matters now more than ever

Jul 31, 2020

In 2014 I sat on my bed and cried getting ready for work. ⠀

Feeling truly defeated by the state of humanity. ⠀⠀

I had been watching the state of the world's events on the news and was so distressed by the crimes against humanity and the evil I could see encapsulating the world.
I made a humble request to God/Source:
“Show me how to love them like you love them. ⠀⠀
Show me how we heal the world.” ⠀⠀

Vacillating between the organized religion I had been indoctrinated into and my soul calling me towards “spirituality” I didn’t fully comprehend who I was speaking to. ⠀⠀

Needless to say, this became the catalyst for the most wild, heart, and eye-opening spiritual awakening and healing journey I was NOT prepared for. ⠀⠀


We learn to love and heal ourselves. ⠀⠀

This became my soul's mission, my purpose, an insatiable desire to meet myself in my shadows and alchemize them one by one. ⠀⠀

Ohhhhh it got SO much worse before it got better. ⠀⠀

Surrender and resistance were the cycles I lived through.
One wound after ego crumbling wound rose to the surface to be seen. ⠀

My inner child screamed for soothing, attention, and love. ⠀⠀

My higher self remained steadfast calling me forward and illuminating the path to my own liberation from distortion. ⠀⠀

The layers lifted. ⠀⠀

And more were revealed. ⠀

The hero’s journey beckoned time and time again.
I refused. ⠀⠀

I answered the call. ⠀

I refused. ⠀⠀

I answered the call. ⠀⠀

An ongoing, intricate and devastatingly uncertain dance. ⠀⠀

And now, in this VERY moment I understand why my soul needed me to heal.
Needed me to love. ⠀

Needed me to crumble, surrender and rebuild.
Because every single decision opened up a new timeline and a new path. 

And what we are seeing on a global level right now is nothing different.

No one knows exactly what the outcome of all this is because there are so many timelines and realities available.

We are dealing with the collective consciousness at large.

Free will reigns.

And when I reflect on my personal journey and the wounds, the patterns and the traumas I had to face I see direct parallels.

Psychopathy, abuse, manipulation, lies, control and greed.


So for those that resonate with this path, with the journey of having to stand strong for your truth, your voice, your sovereignty, your grace and what you know in your heart to be true and right... I invite you to continue the commitment to listening to that inner discernment.

That voice that makes you question EVERYTHING.

SEE with divine clarity the patterns in your micro environment, in your inner world that mimic the global patterns at large.

Anywhere there is stifling of the truth and light, abuse of power, manipulation and questioning of your sanity and right to independence.
Trauma loops that you keep reliving.

Stand for your integration.

Hold steadfast in your vision for your healing, your alchemization of all that is not true and honorable in your life.

Yes we need to be loving.

We are at our very essence, love.

This is not about “fighting fire with fire.” Fear with fear.

This is also not about bypassing the truth in all things.

This is about choosing your SOVEREIGNTY and your right to full expression of your divine self.


Choosing it over and over.

Staying in your light.

By NO longer tolerating that which is of the dark.

No longer turning a blind eye.

No longer being silenced.

Every layer you shift, every pattern you release, every single wound you heal, has FAR greater impact than you may realise.

Your healing liberates humanity on a macro level.

We are all one energy.

You shift timelines, you create new realities.

You raise the collective consciousness.


Your truth matters.

Oh, and I don’t know if you’ve watched every single series and movie about good vs evil, light vs dark but here’s the thing ...

The light ALWAYS triumphs. 😉



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