Tell Me Spirit, Is There Another Way?

Mar 17, 2021


A story about the purge of my beliefs around life having to be much harder than it actually is …


As we make the collective shift towards sovereignty and freedom and dissolve the slavery grids that humanity has been bound by for many lifetimes ...


It is so important to start to create conscious awareness around the aspects of self that are unconsciously committed to timelines of hardship, slavery, pain and duality. 


As we band together to eradicate victimhood and co-dependency in place of personal liberation, each one of us is required to see our own self-sabotaging behaviours with compassion and clarity. 


Recently I have been witnessing from the highest possible perspective, how a set of traumas from my earliest childhood years have impacted the way I have been co-creating my life experience. 


I have had an underlying belief that I needed to fight for survival, that I didn’t deserve to be here.


That I wasn’t inherently deserving of life. 


That living in a constant state of fight or flight was normal, and in fact necessary. 


This had resulted in various patterns of over achieving behaviours, hyper-vigilance, perfectionism, comparisonitis and a need to prove my worth for much of my life. 


And the proving of worth, as is the case for a lot of us, was of course namely to myself. 


Once I became aware of the deeper layers of this, I could very clearly see how it had impacted the trajectory of my relationships with self and others, my career and business, my feelings around money, and my ability to receive support and love. 


Throughout my entire life experience. 


This was painful and tender to see and accept at first.


To see the ways in which we have inadvertently blocked ourselves from the very experiences we truly seek, takes true courage.


Where we have been weaving a life experience that was far more complicated and challenging than it needed to be.


Self-compassion and forgiveness is key. 


And yet once that initial grief passed I realised the gift that was available on the other side of alchemising this.  


These early impressions in our life often form patterns that manifest as unconscious filters and programming that manoeuvre us through this passageway of linear experience. 


Whereby we unwittingly continue to attract circumstances that validate these underlying patterns and feed into them throughout adulthood. 


Every conscious part of us may truly believe we are striving for or desiring to create a certain outcome in life, and yet when what is imprinted in the depths of our being doesn’t match this, we will never get there. 


This underlying sense of unworthiness compounds this belief that we need to “earn” our right to abundance, love and happiness. 


Keeping us trapped in eternal loops of struggle. 


An illusory holding place where nothing is ever quite enough. 


So much of our pain is formed from the fear that we do not belong, we do not fit in, we are not loveable. 


So we spend our lives on the perpetual treadmill of “enoughness” and yet never arrive at the destination we so desperately seek. 


Moving the goalpost of "success" ensures that we never arrive. 


Because "arriving" would invalidate these unconscious wounds and beliefs thereby challenging the very fabric of our identity. 


The identity that the mind and ego has become very comfortable in. 


The only way we can actually move beyond this is to create radical awareness as to any way in which we are committed to this belief, even in the depths of our being. 


Beyond the seen world. 


Beyond our conscious awareness. 


For me, this has played out in repeated patterns of addiction to perfectionism, and over-achieving behaviour. 


I would always get “there”, and yet it was through sheer willpower and determination and not from a place of graceful allowing and receiving. 


Certainly not from a place of truly knowing I was worthy of all good things and trusting in the miraculous divine plan to bring these desires to me in ways that would delight and surprise me.


I would force them into existence through a combination of control, grit and over-exertion often resulting in fatigue or burnout. 


The more work I have done to anchor and embody the Divine Feminine within me, the more I have been shifting into natural states of receiving, flow and inspired action. 


Embracing the natural cycles of rest and creation. 


Allowing as opposed to force. 


These old ways of being have therefore become glaringly obvious over time. 


In creating awareness around the reason for them, the core pattern and wounding that existed within me, allowed them to organically unravel and dissolve in the deepest layers. 


Often we require a trusted professional to assist us to do this. 


It is incredibly difficult to get to the depths of the subconscious on our own as these beliefs and memories are often tucked away in a place we are never intended to find them.


This is how energetic healing and quantum access became such an integral part of my life and work. 


When we start to understand that the entire narrative of our life is often projected by our unconscious wounds, we give ourselves almighty power to change the future and present, and shift into higher timelines.


This is a journey and process that requires patience, compassion, self awareness and reverence. 


And yet when we do this work in the field, and we do it thoroughly, instantaneous change, healing and creation IS possible. 


When we start to move through this illusion and density, into creating from a place of conscious mastery, this is indeed how we facilitate true and lasting change for our life. 


This is how we begin to magnetise our hearts truest desires. 




We move into new realms of existence where the old ways of being have been replaced with a new essence of self. 


A true remembrance of who we are, and the power we have to create our own destiny. 


This is available for each of us, and the first step is saying yes to yourself.


Yes to doing the work. 


Facing the shadows. 


And freeing yourself once and for all. 


We are worth it. 


This is just the beginning.






50% Complete

Two Step

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