Reclaim Your Sacred Rage

Jan 11, 2022

If you like me, can identify the feeling of shutting down your light and power for fear of being too intense, not likeable and “too much”, then I have something that will really serve you. 


And please read to the bottom to receive a free gift from me today. 


As women, we have long been shamed for the intensity and even the mere existence of our emotions.


The wounded masculine deeply fears the power and the oracular power of the feminine to the extent that in our last few thousand years of wounded patriarchal reign, we have been diminished to almost nothing. 


When I speak of the patriarchy, I have deep and great reverence for the Embodied and Healed masculine and the leadership and safe structure it provides. 


But the society we have lived in, is NOT that. 


And so, often as women, we diminish ourselves also because we believe we are “not enough” and not worthy, whilst conversely also fearing being “too much” and too powerful. 


What a confusing and confounding state to live in. 


The truth is, many of us have shut our power and light away in the dark recesses of our heart and wombs and have completely disconnected from it because some part of us fears its wild and seemingly uncontrollable nature. 


Better to live a moderate and somewhat satisfying life than to open the door to the great depths of wisdom and wrath that may unleash in uncontrollable and terrifying ways. 


And yet, we know somewhere inside of us, we are not living our authentic expression. 


We know there is SO much more to be explored and we deeply yearn for it. 


So I am here to tell you, for those called to this path of Divine Feminine Initiation, that yearning will never go away. 


So better to listen to it, and set yourself free. 


A few years ago, I ran a workshop on reclaiming your Divine Rage and how it is a portal to other dimensions and the vast depths of power and wisdom within our being. 


And after having journeyed into the depth os what can only be described as white hot divine rage myself in the last week, I was connected to a version of me in a parallel lifetime who was an almighty powerful Sage. 


Through this interaction she restored to me many of my “past” lifetime gifts that had been stripped away from me. 


The only way I can describe this immense power that was flowing through every cell of my being was the energy that could create and destroy worlds simply with a glance. 


It was actually awesome!


Although during the process deeply uncomfortable. 


And so, I would love to offer to you the gift of this Divine Rage workshop I ran. 


You can access it here.


And if you can relate to what I have shared today, I would love to hear from you. 


I know I am not alone. 


Sending you so much love, and looking forward to connecting with you in some of my upcoming live workshops. 






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