Oct 22, 2020


I remember it all so vividly.

A moment that left me forever changed.

Standing in a carved wooden pergola, amongst the birds & overlooking the greenery all around.

The air was crisp, clean and almost eerily silent just moments before the sounds of shamanic drums and singing filled the space.

The energy of this place, the depths of the Costa Rican jungle, pulsed through every cell of my being as I swayed with the rhythm of the song.

My mind had been left behind me a few days earlier, no longer able to keep up with the accelerated pace in which I was healing and upgrading.

For the first time ever, I was living, learning and experiencing all that was around me, through the portal of my heart.

And above all, I was encountering a deep and profound soul remembrance of who I truly was.

Where I came from.

And what my mission and reason for being on this earthly plane were actually all about.

Because I wasn’t of this Earth.

But I had been here many times before.

And whilst I’m sure in some small corner of my heart I had always known this, the illusion could no longer hold together.

The truth was making itself known to me.

And it had much to say.

So many things were falling into place and making sense, on a level that was well beyond what my mind could comprehend.

This was an acknowledgement deep within my bones, within my heart and on a Soul level.

This physical reality was a mere scratch on the surface of who I was, and what I was able to create and experience.

Feeling like a fish out of water, even mere moments before this I had been grappling to understand what had drawn me to this place.

I had been on the spiritual path for many years, seeking, learning, growing and searching and yet had never felt such a magnetic pull from the depth of my being like I had now.

Something inside me had just known, I had to be here.

In the jungle.

At this moment in time.

At first, I felt like I didn’t belong in this world these people came from, as so many others around me had been practising this healing work at an advanced level.

And yet, from the moment I arrived in Dominical, I had been hit with wave after wave of tears, chills down my spine and goosebumps on my skin inexplicably.

All I knew was that for the first time in my life, although none of it made sense, I felt I was exactly where I was meant to be.

Accessing my multi-dimensionality and connecting with the Ancientness of my being.

Lifetimes of wisdom.

And surrounded by 40 other people from around the globe as we chanted, danced, stomped our feet, shook our bodies, swayed with the music and sounds of the jungle and the bongo drums.

I felt many light beings around me as I surrendered to the wild woman within.

They were supporting me.

Holding me.

Witnessing me

Loving me.

And all of a sudden, as I opened my mouth to chant “Ohhhhhh”
my crown opened up and instead of this simple healing sound…

A flood of the most ancient, not of this world, high-frequency language that was so familiar to my soul came streaming out of my mouth.

I felt the immense power of the vibration of these words I didn’t understand as they moved through me.

Overcome with emotion.

Tears began streaming from my tightly closed eyes.

These words held within them such magic, power and healing that was beyond my comprehension.

Barely able to stand, my whole body shook.

Lit up from the inside out, an electric energy radiated through my veins.

Bringing me back to life, and to the truth that there was an Ancient wisdom within my being that had yet to be shared with the world.

I felt my heart open and expand, flooded with joy.

The words and sounds that my human mind couldn’t understand kept flowing.

They danced through the air and radiated out into the mass of noise surrounding me.

As each of us shared our message in our own expression.

This was the language of my soul.

I could feel it.

This was my medicine to share with the world.

And spirit finally answered the question I had been asking myself for days...

I had been agonising over thoughts of

“What am I doing here?

I am so “3D” compared to these people.

I don’t understand their language, I don’t have their gifts, I have no experience in this.

I don’t belong.”

And in this moment, spirit answered me.

“You are the bridge.”

And then, she showed me many things in the form of images, messages and clear knowing.

My soul was ancient, my gifts and knowledge carved out over many lifetimes of truth-telling, white magic and healing on this Earth.

This physical existence was nothing compared to the entirety of my being and experience.

Ancient star civilisations and families walked by my side as I made my passage through this life.

I was not alone.

Never alone.

All the years I had spent seeking my higher self and purpose made so much sense now.

I had a purpose and a mission here on Earth, which is why I felt I could never rest or relax until I understood what it was.

I had contracted myself to this before this incarnation.

Fuelled by a deep desire to ensure I fulfilled my contract with true devotion.


And I had a very important role to play bridging the gap between the “3D realm” I was so familiar with, and the Earth's ascension into the 5D ‘New Earth.’

Which is why I had chosen to be activated at this time.

And although up until now it had made me feel inadequate and out of place in this particular gathering.

It was in fact my personal magic that I hadn’t been in this deeper “spiritual” world forever.

That I was still so connected to those that were about to take this journey themselves.

That I had been living out a “normal” existence in the physical realm.

For I had much to share and teach, and from this place, I was still connected to the pains, joys and plight of those I would help.

They would be women just like me.

And my soul had always intended it to be this way.

To stay unaware until this time.

To live out the human experience in all its layers.

To know the depth of these wounds before being catapulted into a world of quantum shifts and upgrades.

In this moment I saw how it all connected.

It was written.

Written in the stars.

And I was exactly where I needed to be.

I saw the ancient aspects of myself.

I saw the wounded little girl.

I saw the worldly woman who had lived through much in this lifetime and so much more in those before.

And I saw my purpose.

I saw it SO clearly.

I saw my ability to heal, create and transform through this multi-dimensionality I had remembered.

I was anchoring light into the world through the transmutation of my own wounds.

I would guide and assist others to do the same.

I would teach all that I had learned.

I had never felt like I ‘fit in’ and the world never made much sense to me.

And in this moment like a bolt of lightning that lit up and illuminated my Souls destiny before me, it all fell into place.

Became clear.

Activated and online.

My light language was a powerful medicine to be shared with the world.

Amongst many other gifts.

And the thing is, we all have access to the multi-dimensionality where our soul resides.

It wasn’t just me.

We all have medicine and gifts to offer the world.

We hold keys to healing, conscious creation, quantum magic within our being.

Within our bones.

Within our Soul memory.

And for each of us, this medicine is unique to us.

My clients often ask me if I can activate their light language or teach them to do what I do.

And the answer is yes and no.

I do better than that, I assist them to activate and bring online their OWN powerful gifts.

Open their own channels.

Activate their own Soul Memory.

Connect with their own star and soul family and guides.

We all have them.

And I do this for my clients for one very simple reason…

Because that is where they are their most powerful, aligned and abundant.

And through doing that, they too get to fulfil their Soul Contract and divine mission in this world.

We weren’t made to fit in.

Leaders of the New Earth, we are made to forge a new path.

And mimicking someone else’s gifts is a Matrix trap.

A mere distraction.

Aligning with our OWN souls' destiny and magic is where the journey truly begins.

So, if you are one of these souls...
If you feel a deep desire to connect with these higher aspects of yourself, to recall the ancient memories of your souls wisdom, to activate and bring online YOUR super power, your gifts and your medicine, to share with the world...

I invite you to join me in my upcoming program ‘Illuminate.’

Where we will be going deep into all this work and SO much more.

If you are interested in gaining access to more information about this program, drop me a 55 below and I will send you a link to read more and tune in.

You truly can write your own story,
Love Katie


50% Complete

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