The power of reclaiming my voice

Aug 21, 2020

For much of my life, I struggled with the ability to use my voice in the times I most needed it. Ironically, I’ve always been quite a good “communicator.”

Communication is only useful when we allow our heart to be the messenger (which is often not the case). It is through the connection between our heart & throat chakras that we can transmute seemingly ordinary words into divine transmissions of the Holy Spirit within.

Disempowered communication reduces us, whilst empowered communication is PARAMOUNT in the skillful art of manifestation.

When we are steeped in our personal power and give ourselves the permission to express our truth, we command miracles and heavenly realities into our worlds. A potent kind of magic that knows no limitations 💫.

An Empress who is truly grounded in her own worth understands the importance of harnessing this sovereign gift.

Your ‘voice’ is your unique signature of expression in this world. It is your medicine, your cosmic blueprint, and your essence.

This means that when we desire to say the “right” thing, to be ‘liked’ and to dull down our inner fire in order to be accepted we do ourselves (and all women) a grave injustice.

However, when we understand the potency of harnessing this alchemical technology to our benefit, the paradigm shifts. We get to play a new game of authentic leadership over our own life and it gets to be SO delicious.

There is a direct link between our voice, how we use it, and the reality we live in. 🌙 

We create boundaries, we assert ourselves, we honour sacred space, we say NO without hesitation, and we say hell YES when something inspires and lights us up from the inside out.

I know the pain of remaining silent or dulled down all too well. There are many times in life that I didn’t say what I meant, where I allowed my boundaries to be crossed, and where the use of my voice disempowered me through my own self-criticism or the decision to remain muted.

This has taken me some years and deep work to forgive. As I stepped more into my personal power I cringed when I considered the times that I had been less so. The times I had allowed myself to be shamed when I did speak up, the times where I was challenged and retreated into my shell instead of standing with conviction and honoring my truth. It hurt me to witness that version of myself… I had to choose the path of uncompromising self-compassion. 

When we commit to self-expression, we embark on our own heroes’ journey as we DECIDE to CLAIM our true divinity and power. This opens up a whole new world for us to play in.

Freedom. Joy. Remembrance of who we are. Liberation. 

Permission to explore and share ALL facets of ourselves at our own free will with clarity and conviction. 

This is a rite of passage of the Divine Feminine.

She who is the sovereign leader of her own life.

It was through my healing journey that I realized my voice is my greatest ally and I get to use it to radiate my magnificence, to manifest my dreams by calling out to my desires with this potent quantum technology and allowing them to receive the call and magnetize directly to ME.

Deep down, we don’t fear that our voice is not enough or not worthy to be heard. We fear the enormity, strength, and power that we innately know it holds and what this means. A sacred portal through which our message will be shared, through which the coding of our soul is transmitted.

Now I have a different perspective on all those times I “let myself down.” It was through the times I didn’t speak my truth that I now KNOW, FEEL, and RADIATE the essence of my being with clarity.

Thanks to those times is that I now EMBODY all of my truth.

It was the boundaries that were crossed that give me the conviction to put MYSELF first always, it was the strength I gained through giving my power away that makes me the woman I am today, and it is through the witnessing of the silence I suffered in that I now understand the ability I have to create worlds.

I chose to commit to eloquent mastery over my words, a bridge to my multi-dimensional power. I chose to rise into the highest expression of me, authenticity.

Today, divine woman; I invite you to join me in this powerful declaration of your divinity.

I 𝙖𝙢 powerful.

I 𝙖𝙢 brave.

I 𝙖𝙢 abundant.

I 𝙖𝙢 the master of my own energy and creation on earth.

I 𝙖𝙢 beautiful.

I 𝙖𝙢 a sovereign 𝙀𝙢𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 steeped in love and worth.

These words are 𝙘𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙢𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙚.

As you find your voice, it becomes your co-creative partner in life. Honor the times in which you didn’t speak up or let yourself be heard and see them as the gateway to the higher place in which you now reside. The world of physicality becomes our cosmic playground as we manifest heaven through these decrees.

You have more than something to say, you have worlds awaiting your creation.

I hear you.

Katie ❤️


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