Sep 24, 2020

Some months ago now in the midst of an absolute $h1t storm of personal emotional alchemy and healing upgrades (resonate?!) I had a visit from a divine being, a certain consciousness, who at the time identified themself to me as my “Divine Rage”.

We had a conversation, that profoundly changed the way I viewed myself, my life, and the power I held within my being to be the creator of my own reality and world.

You can catch the most potent details of this conversation in the replay of my FREE Masterclass. However, one point I feel called to share here publicly for those who may be curious as to why Divine Rage is an energy that we may wish to co-create with is as follows…

Divine Rage asked me ...
“Beloved, do you not KNOW how powerful you truly are?
You indeed have the ability to create and dissolve timelines, realities, and worlds at your command.”

As the conversation continued to unfold, and I was shown all these different and powerful aspects of myself and my ability to feel and see and know the truth. Through co-creation with this truly divine aspect of me, it was shown to me that this was something I would share with the world once I fully embodied it.

Many of us know the debilitating weight of the shame we hold for our emotions, our doubts, our uncertainty, and our past experiences. Many of us know the feeling of holding shame in our being for feeling or expressing “too much” of our emotions and being judged or condemned for it.
Particularly by self.
The need to judge and criticize these aspects of ourselves forms part of an illusion of our mind that keeps us trapped in this perceived duality of our being.

Our Divine Rage however asks us to see ourselves through the eyes of Source and remember that at our core we are Love. That acceptance of all parts of us is the path to alchemizing what we no longer wish to experience.

Allow these moments of trial to transform into the jewels in our crown. The ultimate treasure.
The path back home to ourselves is laced with perceived pitfalls and challenges and yet, accessing our Divine Rage gives us the ability to gather almighty momentum and force to withstand any duality we may have to face during our own metamorphosis.
When I was told that I needed to create a Masterclass on Divine Rage to share with the world (4 or 5 months ago) I felt extreme resistance in my being.
“But Spirit, no one wants to talk about Rage. Do I really need to be the one to deliver this? Rage isn’t fun or playful or sexy.”
And Spirit assured me that this was a frequency to be shared with the world.
The highest expression of our Divine Rage was and is truly beautiful.
It is something to be revered.
Conversations with Divine Rage would allow those who were called to truly experience the fullness of their being and through that experience align with the most potent, creative version of them.
New realms of existence await those who know how to access them.

And so, I surrendered to what this consciousness wanted to teach me until I was ready to pass on the messages myself. And so, here we are.

You are the Creatrix.
You are a fractal of Source living a human experience.
Your emotions hold within them messages from your divine self.
They are gateways to whole new worlds that await your creation.
There is no shame in this power.
There is much to be celebrated.

The Divine Creatrix within me sees the Divine Creatrix within you.
Write your own story.
Katie x


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